This privacy policy use when you travel with us, we have to get some of your personal information to confirm your booking. Package Tour in Nepal respects your privacy. We appreciate the fact that you hand over your information to us with trust and secure you to reciprocate in the future.
We do not leak or sell any of the details that you provide to us. We do our maximum to ensure the privacy and security of the information you supply to us. We know how important is it to keep your personal information safe and we’ll always be open with you about how we collect and keep it.
Require your personal information
We need some of your documents to authorize your identification.
Passport details with such as your name, address, postal code, contact number and email address.
A copy of your passport to confirm that the details which you have provided are true or not.
How is it used?
The information which you supply us about yourself for a specific purpose, we use the information to provide the service or information you have requested. We do not give away any information we gather from you to any third party without your permission. If you booked with us, additional information will be required for operational reasons.
Sensitive Information
We do not collect sensitive information about you. Sensitive information is information about race, ethnic origin, political views, religion, philosophy, sexual preferences, criminal record or health information. We collect your information only for documentation related to travel.
We use e-mail which you inter on this site, that to allow you to contact you and Package Tour in Nepal directly via e-mail. We use the information provided in your e-mail to respond to your questions. Don’t worry about that, we do not miss use your privacy.
How does this site use cookies?
We use cookies as you visit pages on the Package Tour in Nepal site, to facilitate some functions. When you browse us the second time, the technology popularly known as cookies recognizes your browser and helps us know that your browser had visited our site. We do not set persistent cookies to track return visitors, and all cookies expire within certain hours.